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Ceres & Grupo Trimex revolutionize agriculture sustainability


Ceres Global Ag Corp. (TSX: CRP) has entered into an exclusive agreement with Grupo Trimex, Mexico's largest flour miller, to drive regenerative agriculture initiatives. The collaboration focuses on adopting innovative agronomic practices and technologies to benefit farmers and the environment. The partnership's primary goal is to enhance grower performance, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and positively impact sustainability indicators such as biodiversity and water quality.

Carlos Paz, President and CEO of Ceres, emphasizes the significance of this partnership in addressing climate change and offering tailored solutions to strategic customers. The collaboration aims to accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices among wheat growers in the U.S. northern plains and Canadian prairies, leveraging techniques like zero till and diverse crop rotations.

Jeff Wildeman, Managing Director at Ceres, expresses excitement about working with growers and Trimex to identify local, scalable solutions that add value to growers and promote positive environmental outcomes. Grupo Trimex's Sustainability and Social Impact Manager, Mar Gutiérrez, highlights the importance of increased transparency in the supply chain and the adoption of new practices that add value to growers while improving sustainable wheat production.

Regenerative agriculture focuses on soil health by promoting biodiversity, improving the water cycle, and increasing organic matter. It aims to minimize soil erosion, capture carbon in the soil, and mitigate the effects of climate change. This collaboration aims to benefit both the environment and farmers' long-term sustainability and productivity.

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