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China poultry plant fire turns deadly

China poultry plant fire turns deadly

By Amanda Brodhagen,

A fire broke out at a poultry plant in northeastern China on Monday, which trapped workers inside killing at least 119 people, official’s report the death toll is expected to rise. Several others were also injured in the blaze and are being treated in hospital. Some reports say that a fire broke out after a shift began around 6a.m.

The plant was established in 2009, produces roughly 67,000 tons of processed chicken a year and employs about 1,200 people. The plant is located about 800 kilometers away from China’s capital, Beijing.

Though it's unlikely to have an impact on China's chicken supply, the accident came as chicken producers were seeing sales recover after an outbreak of a deadly new strain of bird flu, H7N9, briefly scared the public in April and early May.

The fire is unlikely to have an impact on China’s chicken supply, as the country begins to recover from the outbreak of a new strain of bird flu (H7N9) that occurred in April and early May.

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