The six-year-old combine sold for more than $300,000
FARM POWER Auction Report
A six-year-old combine sold for the highest price at a recent Ritchie Bros. auction.
The 2015 CLAAS LEXION 760 combine sold for $325,000 (US$259,318) during an April 12 auction in Wainwright, Alta.
Specs: 1,084 engine hours, 648 separator hours, 450 15 ft hdr, reverser, VSR, auto HHC, F&A, 25 ft auger, grain tank exts, chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, HP Variable Speed fdr house, 620/70R42 F, 760/65R26 R, duals, CEMOS, Cruise Pilot, Telematics.

The following items round out the top five pieces of equipment sold at the auction.
A 1997 Case IH 9390 4WD tractor sold for $125,000 (US$99,738).
Specs: 5,011 hours, 425 hp, 24 spd standard, Outback S3 display, Outback Edrive autosteer, 4 hyd outlets, frt weights, rear weights, 710/70R38.

A 2009 Apache AS1010 100-foot sprayer sold for $89,000 (US$71,013).
Specs: 2,190 hours, 1000-gal poly tank, trip nozzle bodies, fence row nozzles, auto rate ctrl, Raven display, Raven SmarTrax autosteer, 380/80R38 F, 380/90R46 Rear duals, auto boom, sectional ctrl.

A 2005 Bourgault 5710 47-foot air drill sold for $70,000 (US$55,853).
Specs: floating hitch, 9.8 in. spacing, dbl shoot, 4 in. steel packers, 6350 3 comp't tank, s/n 38233AS-13, dbl fan, 8 in. load auger, rear hitch.

A 2014 New Holland H8080 30-foot swather sold for $63,000 (US$50,268).
Specs: 1,394 engine hours, 1,007 machine hours, 1,006 header hours, P/U reel, F&A, dbl knife drive, trip del, 600/65R28 F, 14L-16.1SL R, roto-shear.