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CLAAS launches new hay and forage tools

CLAAS launches new hay and forage tools

The company introduced six additions to Orbis headers and Disco mowers

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

An equipment manufacturer has added to its lineup of hay and forage tools.

CLAAS announced a total of six new product offerings this week – two models of ORBIS headers for the JAGUAR forage harvester, and four models of DISCO rear mowers.

“Our customers need more than just robust machinery, they deserve harvesting systems that work together seamlessly,” Matt Jaymes, a product manager at CLAAS of America, said during a virtual presentation on Wednesday. “These six models we’ve added to our line of Orbis headers and Disco mowers will support day-to-day operations and help customers achieve optimal results when harvesting so they can make the most out of each hour in the field.”

CLAAS introduced the 450 and 900 models to the Orbis lineup.

Both pieces of equipment have a frame stamped from a single piece of metal and have no welded joints, making for a stronger build.

The Orbis 450 features a working width of 15 feet and the 900 has a working width of 30 ft. These dimensions represent the smallest and largest within the Orbis lineup.


In addition, the knives, crop flow guides and Christmas trees on the 900 model are all Premium Line. This contributes to durability, better cutting and feeding.

Other characteristics of the 900 include a folding time of 19 seconds and gearbox oil changes after the first 500 hours and then every 2,500 hours.

The 900 also includes a third auto-contour sensor in the center, which is important “for really undulated ground where we keep the center of the head from digging into the ground,” Jaymes said.

In the Disco offerings, CLAAS revealed the 24, 28, and 32 rear-mounted mowers.

These feature a smaller working width, ranging from seven ft. two inches to nine ft. 10 in. One new item for all disc mowers is the center of gravity hitching system, which helps the mower have uniform contact pressure across its width.

The final piece of equipment CLAAS introduced is its 100 Series Disco 360 rear mower.

It features a max cut cutter bar with quick knife change, a double gearbox and a working width of 11 ft. two in.

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