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Corn growers demand equal biofuel tax credits

Jul 30, 2024
Assistant Editor, North American Content,

Urging fair sustainable fuel standards for US farmers


As the sustainable aviation fuel sector expands, corn growers through the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) are advocating for the administration to establish reasonable and flexible criteria for farming practices that qualify for tax credits. 

These credits, as detailed by the Inflation Reduction Act, are pivotal in encouraging the production of biofuels that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

NCGA President Harold Wolle expressed in a recent release the pivotal role of ethanol in mitigating emissions from transportation and his aspiration to replicate this success in the aviation industry.

Wolle emphasized the necessity of a "level playing field" where emission reduction targets are attainable with practices suited to the varying agricultural landscapes of American farms.

Currently, the guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Treasury demand a demonstrable decrease in carbon intensity from biofuel producers, which can be achieved through climate-smart agricultural methods.

The uniform application of these methods across different farming regions is impractical and often not feasible, leading to concerns among corn growers about the accessibility of these tax incentives.

The NCGA is pushing for policy adjustments that would not only support the national climate objectives but also respect the diverse conditions under which American farmers operate, ensuring no farmer is disadvantaged in the pursuit of these new market opportunities.


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