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Corteva’s Enlist 1 herbicide receives PMRA approval

Corteva’s Enlist 1 herbicide receives PMRA approval

This product can control multiple annual and perennial weeds

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has granted approval to a new crop protection product for farmers.

Corteva’s Enlist 1 herbicide is available now and can be ordered from retailers, said Dave Kloppenburg. He’s the category leader for row crop herbicides with Corteva Agriscience Canada.

The product is designed for farmers growing Enlist corn, Enlist E3 soybeans, spring and winter wheat, barley and rye.

Farmers can use Enlist 1 to control multiple annual and perennial weeds like waterhemp, Palmer pigweed, dandelion and Canada thistle.

Spraying a herbicide

Enlist 1 also works well with another herbicide in the Enlist lineup, Kloppenburg said.

“It compliments Enlist Duo and completes the Enlist herbicide system,” he told “Enlist 1 has some things in common and it’s got things that set itself apart. Like Enlist Duo it has the 2,4-D choline and has Colex-D technology.”

Some of the characteristics of Corteva’s Colex-D technology include “near-zero” volatility, minimal potential for physical drift and there are no temperature restrictions.

“We want the products farmers spray to land on target and stay there,” Kloppenburg said.

What sets Enlist 1 apart from Enlist Duo is its flexibility.

Enlist Duo is a pre-mixed product while Enlist 1 allows farmers to add other products they wish to, Kloppenburg said.

“Whereas Enlist Duo was premixed with glyphosate for farmers, Enlist 1 allows farmers to use the glyphosate of their choice and adjust the rate as well,” he said. “And with increasing weed resistance to glyphosate, farmers can mix Enlist 1 with glufosinate to go after those weeds.”

In terms of application timings, those vary by crop.

On E3 soybeans tank-mixed with glyphosate, farmers can apply Enlist 1 up to R2. If the herbicide is premixed with Liberty 200 SN, growers can use Enlist 1 up to R1.

On Enlist corn, growers can spray Enlist 1 up to V8 or 120cm in height.

And on cereals, the product can be applied up to just before flag leaf. Corteva also advises against fall applications.

To ensure they are getting the maximum performance from Enlist 1, farmers should apply the product based on label recommendations, Kloppenburg said.

These recommendations include a boom height of 60cm or less, an optimum spray volume of between 10 and 15 gallons per acre, using nozzles that deliver coarse to extremely coarse droplets and spraying when winds are between 3 and 16 km/h.

Growers shouldn’t apply Enlist 1 during a temperature inversion or when winds exceed 25 km/h.

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