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Dairy leaders counter Colombia's tariff threats

Aug 13, 2024

Urgent US action sought against Colombian dairy tariffs


The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) and the U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) are rallying the U.S. government to challenge Colombia's impending tariffs on U.S. milk-powder exports.

This action follows Colombia's initiation of a Subsidies and Countervailing Measures investigation, which USDEC and NMPF criticize as unjustified and harmful to established trade norms under the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement. 

Both organizations have applauded a Congressional letter addressed to the Colombian Ambassador in the U.S., advocating for a more collaborative approach to fostering policies that benefit the dairy sectors of both countries.

This letter, endorsed by bipartisan representatives, underscores the importance of maintaining a constructive and mutually beneficial trade relationship.

Krysta Harden, USDEC's CEO, and Gregg Doud, NMPF's CEO, have both emphasized the detrimental impact of such protectionist measures on the solid trade foundation between the U.S. and Colombia. They commend the ongoing efforts of U.S. trade officials and promise continued cooperation with both Congress and the U.S. government to prevent these tariffs from setting a negative precedent.

This firm opposition by U.S. dairy officials not only aims to safeguard American dairy producers' interests but also strives to uphold the integrity of international trade agreements, ensuring that commerce between the nations remains open and equitable.

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