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Dealing with Herbicide Resistance? Bayer’s New Guides Could Help

Bayer CropScience Develops Tools to Help Growers in Western Canada Manage Resistant Weeds

By Amanda Brodhagen,

In an effort to address herbicide resistance, Bayer CropScience has launched a series of guides to help growers deal with resistant weeds.

Bayer has put together three guides which focus on different regions in Western Canada – Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The agricultural company has recognized the need to categorize each of the Prairie Provinces separately, in order to provide province-specific information about weeds and reported herbicide resistance issues.

“Herbicide resistance presents a unique challenge for farmers across the Prairies. The inability to remove weeds with a herbicide application has serious implications for growers. Not only do resistant weeds take considerably more money and time to manage, but the loss of any herbicide group can leave you with fewer tools to work with,” Al Eadie, Market Development Manager, Bayer CropScience said in a release.

Growers are urged continue vigorous crop rotational practices, use a variety of modes of action and to scout their fields regularity to detect resistant weeds early on.  

The guides can be found on Bayer’s website.

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