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Does Your Corn Measure Up? Knee-High by Fourth of July

Does Your Corn Measure Up? Knee-High by Fourth of July

By Amanda Brodhagen,

The old saying goes - if corn fields are knee high by the fourth of July, it is a sign that farmers are going to have a good corn crop. would like to encourage you to send us your corn crop pictures, with someone standing in the field and tweet pictures using #fromthefield hashtag. The hashtag is used by growers in United States and Canada as a way of self-reporting from the field. We will post the pictures on U.S. Independence Day, July 4th.  Be proud and show off your corn field!

Here’s how you can participate:

There are two ways to submit pictures:

•Tweet using the hashtag #fromthefield;

What we would like you to include:

• Picture entry with someone standing in the field;
• Location or region;
• Include additional information i.e. variety, date planted, how many acres etc.;
• Both U.S. and Canada submissions are welcome!

The following are two entries we have received from Canada:

Jeff Nonay - Legal, Alberta.

Dale Ketcheson – Hastings County, Ontario.

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