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DuPont Announces Enhancements to Global Food Security Index

Global Food Security Index Measures Food Security Factors in 105 Countries

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DuPont announced some new enhancements to its Global Food Security Index on Thursday. The change seeks to measure the impact of global food prices to the fluctuations that are felt by 105 countries on an individual basis. This is an interactive tool that can be found online at One of the main purposes of the Global Food Index is being able to identify some of the underlying causes of hunger. This publically available tool provides insights into future price fluctuations as well as provides improvements and reforms to help mitigate hunger in various countries.

The following are some key features of the index:

• Feature provides a snapshot of food prices and each country’s ability to afford food
• Analysis of key findings and statistics
• Outlines 25 definitions of what the key global food indicators are as well as measurements for food affordability, accessibility, availability, nutritional value and food safety
• Interactive map providing statistical results and details on each category result
• Comparative analysis tool for numerous countries to examine various rankings and indicators
• Individual country details and economic information

The Global Food Security Index is an example of DuPont’s commitment to food security around the world. If you are interested in the larger food security debate, it can be found on Twitter at #foodsecurity.

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