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Ecocert can certify your farm or crop inputs as organic

Ecocert can certify your farm or crop inputs as organic

Ecocert is the largest organic certification body in Canada


Producers looking to certify their farms as organic can turn to Ecocert.

The company’s primary business is to ensure the organic industry follows necessary protocols. And the organization itself is also monitored by other agencies to ensure it’s doing its job properly.

“We’re credited by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the (Committee on Accreditation for Evaluation of Quality) in Quebec,” Eric Payseur, an Ontario representative with Ecocert, told “We’re audited just like we audit farmers and processors dealing with organic food products.”

Ecocert can also assist greenhouse growers in achieving more sustainable operations.

“If you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint and want to establish a plan to do that, we can verify and certify that you are indeed taking those measures,” Payseur said.

Ecocert can also assist manufacturers in achieving organic status through its crop input approval process.

“Companies that produce compost products or foliar sprays can contact us and get their product reviewed and approved for use in organic production systems.” Payseur said.

Ecocert also entered into new partnerships in 2017 that can help organic producers.

In August, Ecocert partnered with Demeter Canada, an organization that coordinates all biodynamic certification in Ontario. The partnership allows Ecocert to manage and perform Demeter Canada inspections, Payseur said.

Payseur and other members of the Ecocert team will be at the Guelph Organic Conference to meet with producers and answer any questions they may have about organic certification. 

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