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Empowering farmers with certified seed for quality

By Jean-Paul McDonald

The Canadian Seed Growers' Association (CSGA) has launched a new campaign to promote Certified seed and its many benefits for farmers, food processors, and consumers.

The #ChooseCertifiedSeed campaign is grounded by a website that provides information on the value, quality, identity assurance, traceability, and trustworthiness of Certified seed.

It also features videos from Canadian seed growers and stakeholders, sharing their perspectives, experiences, and passion for Certified seed.

The campaign is timely, as the global agricultural landscape becomes increasingly competitive and demanding. It highlights the strength of the Canadian seed certification process and empowers farmers to make informed decisions on the seed they choose to plant.

The campaign also demonstrates to food processors and manufacturers that using quality ingredients produced from Certified seed is the foundation for quality food.

When you #ChooseCertifiedSeed, you are choosing the highest quality, identity-assured, third-party verified seed to set you up for success. To learn more about #ChooseCertifiedSeed, please visit because it all starts with seed.

About CSGA

The Canadian Seed Growers' Association (CSGA) safeguards seed crop varietal integrity for Canada's seed certification system, supporting Canadian seed growers since 1904. With 3,200 members spanning nine provinces and seven regional branches, CSGA is a vital national standards and certification organization. Learn more at

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