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Essential grain system maintenance after harvest

Dec 19, 2024

Best practices for maintaining grain dryers and bins postharvest

As the harvest season concludes, farmers must focus on postharvest maintenance to keep grain systems in top shape. GSI District Manager Dave Ellis stresses its importance, noting -

“Maintenance work following harvest helps prevent preseason replacement, and an ounce of prevention can help save farmers tons of problems next season.”

Maintenance Checklist -

Grain Pit - Clear out debris and rotting grain to deter pests. Ensure sump pumps are functional to prevent water accumulation.

Grain Conveyors - Inspect conveyor components, including bearings and belts, for wear. Tighten or replace them as required.

Bins - Examine bins for structural damage and clean surrounding areas to minimize the risk of water entry and grain spoilage.

Aeration Systems - Clean fans and inspect motors and connections to confirm everything operates efficiently.

Dryer-Specific Maintenance -

For grain dryers, disconnect power and gas supplies before beginning. Clean all residual materials using air or water pressure and leave doors open for ventilation.

Inspect electrical panels for insect infestations or potential damage, making repairs as needed. Check ignition wires and flame detectors, replacing any deteriorated parts.

Lubricate chains, examine drive belts, and inspect bearings to address potential issues.

For more details on postharvest maintenance, consult a grain system dealer.

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