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Farm Bill clears committee hurdle, heads for house vote


The House Agriculture Committee has cleared a key hurdle for the 2024 Farm Bill. Following a marathon 13-hour markup session, the committee voted to send the bill to the full House for a vote.

The American Farm Bureau applauds the committee's effort. "This bill represents significant work by Chairman Thompson and all committee members," said Joe Gilson, director of government affairs. The bipartisan vote signifies progress towards finalizing the Farm Bill.

However, attention now turns to the House floor schedule. "House leadership needs to determine when the bill can be voted on," explained Gilson. While procedural steps remain, the bipartisan committee vote is a positive development. The American Farm Bureau encourages House leaders to prioritize this critical legislation.

The biggest challenge may be the tight congressional calendar. "Both chambers, particularly the House, operate with narrow margins and a packed schedule," said Gilson. "The upcoming elections will see members campaigning in their districts earlier, further condensing the timeline. Despite these challenges, we believe the bipartisan nature of this bill presents a valuable opportunity."

The House Agriculture Committee's approval marks a significant step for the Farm Bill. However, the legislation still requires a vote by the full House and potentially needs to navigate the Senate's farm bill process before it becomes law.

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