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Farm Group Praises Ontario Agri-Food Education

CFFO Says Agriculture Education ‘More Important Than Ever’

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In the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario most recent weekly commentary, the farm group says that Ontario Agri-Food Education (OAFE) plays an important role in providing an agricultural perspective to education in the classroom.

The Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario (CFFO) gave lots of praise to OAFE in its commentary, noting that the majority of school children lack a direct connection to farm life. CFFO goes on to say that this gap poses opportunities and challenges for agriculture. The farm organization says that OAFE’s launched “Ag in the Aisle”  - a campaign that provides enhanced learning in grocery stores; and that their ag ambassador program is something that the ag industry takes note of.

The farm organization also says that champion efforts are just as important outside the classroom and is pleased with the outreach that OAFE has done with the Agriculture More Than Ever campaign and assisting the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC)  in recruiting students into OAC programs. CFFO concludes by saying that “OAFE is Ontario agriculture’s frontline in this important task” of connecting agriculture to different disciplines in the classroom.

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