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Farm Power: Deere and Case star in record-breaking Ritchie Bros. auction

Auction was held in Lethbridge, Alberta Auction Report
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A July 21-22 auction in Lethbridge, Alberta hosted by Ritchie Bros. turned out to be the largest the company has ever held in the city, selling more than $24 million worth of equipment.

The auction was highlighted by a John Deere combine, which sold for nearly $500,000.

A 2015 John Deere S680 combine sold for $485,000.

Specs: 77 hours, 615P hdr, reverser, VSR, auto HHC, F&A, lateral tilt, long auger, chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, Deluxe Powercast tailboard, yield & moisture, 520/85R42 F, 750/65R26 R, duals, 28 sep hrs showing, Prodrive, HarvestSmart, GS3 2630 touchscreen w/ SF2 Activation, StarFire 3000.

2015 John Deere combine
2015 John Deere S680 combine 

A 2013 John Deere 9510RT track tractor sold for $260,000.

Specs: 1157 hours, 18 spd powershift, 5 hyd outlets, aux hyd, Big 1000 PTO, frt weights, side frame weights, 36 in. tracks.

2013 John Deere 9510
2013 John Deere 9510RT

A 2012 Case IH 450HD 4WD tractor sold for $210,000.

Specs: 1153 hours, 16 spd powershift, AFS Pro 700 LH rev, diff lock, 4 hyd outlets, aux hyd, Big 1000 PTO, frt wheel weights, rear wheel weights, rear weights, 710/70R42, duals.

2012 Case IH
2012 Case IH 450HD

A 2014 Case IH Magnum 290 MFWD tractor sold for $165,000.

Specs: 86 hours, 9 speed powershift, AFS Pro 700, receiver, autosteer LH rev, diff lock, 4 hyd outlets, aux hyd, 1000 PTO, 3 pt hitch, frt weights, 600/65R28 F, 620/70R42 R.

2014 Case IH Magnum
2014 Case IH Magnum 290

A 2014 John Deere W150 35-ft swather sold for $132,500.

Specs: 596 hours, 435D hdr, factory transport, P/U reel, split, F&A, hyd knife drive, dbl knife drive, trip del, Universal Steering Kit 200, GS2 1800, Harvest Manager Pro, 600/65R28 F, 439 machine hrs showing, poly rear mtd swath roller.

2014 John Deere swather
2014 John Deere W150 swather


Total Gross Auction Proceeds – CA$24+ million (US$18+ million) *New site record
Amount sold to online bidders – CA$16+ million (US$12+ million) *New site record
Total registered bidders (in person and online) – 3,250+ *New site record
Registered online bidders – 2,250+ *New site record
Total lots sold – 1,600+ *New site record
Number of sellers – 240+ *New site record

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