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Farm Power: New Holland combine takes top spot in Grande Prairie auction

Ritchie Bros. auction took place July 28 Auction Report
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A Ritchie Bros. auction held July 28 in Grande Prairie, Alberta was highlighted by a combine selling for more than $300,000.

A 2014 New Holland CR8090 combine sold for $340,000.

Specs: 503 hours, 790CP-15 P/U hdr, reverser, auto HHC, long auger, chaff spreader, deluxe opti spread fine cut chopper, yield & moisture, Terrain Tracker fdr house, 372 reciever, Intelliview IV display, auto steer, hopper cover w/elec roll tarp, crop saver, HID lighting, 620/70R42 F, duals, 362 sep hrs.

2014 New Holland combine
2014 New Holland CR8090 combine

A 2005 Case IH STX425 4WD tractor sold for $70,000.

Specs: 7167 hours, Grouser 14 ft 6 way dozer, 16 spd powershift LH rev, diff lock, 4 hyd outlets, multiple aux hyd, Braden hyd winch, tire chains, 30.5x32.

2005 Case IH
2005 Case IH STX425 4WD tractor 

A 2014 New Holland 840CD 35-ft. draper header sold for $54,000.

Specs: P/U reel, hyd F&A, dbl knife drive.

New Holland draper header
2014 New Holland 840CD 35-ft. draper header

A 2004 Case IH WDX1101 25-ft. swather sold for $34,000.

Specs: 4435 hours, DHX251 hdr, factory transport, P/U reel, dbl knife drive, trip del, 480/85R26 F.

2004 Case swather
2004 Case IH WDX1101 25-ft. swather

A 2008 GSI 116 continuous grain dryer sold for $27,000.

Specs: NG, auto, 15 hp fan, 3 phase, The Competitor Series 2000 control panel, 5.5 M BTU/hr.

2008 GSI grain dryer
2008 GSI 116 continuous grain dryer

A 2008 Buhler Farm King 161014 16in. x 2014ft. mechanical swing grain auger sold for $20,000.

Specs: 1000 PTO, reverser, hyd swing mover.

2008 Buhler Farm King
2008 Buhler Farm King grain auger

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On this week's edition on Conservation Corner, we are looking at some climate smart Ag practices for the Corn Belt that were discussed at the Eastern Nebraska Soil Health Conference.