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Farm Progress Show Expands

By Amanda Brodhagen,

The Farm Progress Show, dubbed “the world’s fair of agriculture,” is gearing up to open the gates for its 2014 activities in Boone, Iowa.

Due to the show’s growing popularity, organizers say that they’ve had to add more exhibitor space. New this year is the “Annex” area (additional space), which will be located in the north visitor parking lot outside Gate 1. The exhibitor space has been expanded to meet the needs for more display space.

According to Matt Jungmann - Farm Program national events manager, the demand for more space stems from companies who have not exhibited in a while and / or new companies who are registered to attend the 2014 show. "A brand new exhibitor at the Iowa show is Beck's Hybrids from Atlanta, Indiana. Until now the company did not market in Iowa or exhibit at the Iowa show," he said.

The additional Annex space brings the show site to 3.68 million square feet, or about 85 acres. Show organizers tout that since 2008, when the show found its home in Boone, the number of exhibitors has grown by more than 100 to present numbers of about 600 exhibitors. In addition to the exhibitor space, about 300 acres is allocated for field demonstrations and test drive areas, not including visitor parking which is an additional 150 acres.

The three-day event attracts thousands of people annually from the U.S. and around the world. It features field demonstrations, precision equipment, tractor and combine displays, livestock demos, antique machinery, and more. The event takes place from August 26 to 28th. will be at the show (location: Varied Industries Tent Booth #9405). It is open daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information visit

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