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Farmer Eaten by Hogs at Oregon Farm

Mystery Surrounds Case of Animals Eating Human

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In a bizarre and unfortunate incident that left a man dead on an Oregon farm, authorities from the state are currently investigating how a 69 year-old man was eaten by his hogs. On Wednesday morning, Terry Garner, an Oregon swine farmer went to feed his pigs as part of his morning chores. Several hours later, a family member became concerned that he had not returned back from the barn so they went to look for him.  To the family member’s horror, Garner was found dead and it appeared that his body was eaten by the hogs in the hog enclosure.

There are still a lot of unknown details about how Garner died. The Coos County sheriff’s department is currently investigating the incident. It was also known that Garner’s sows and boar were considered much larger than the norm. Some reports are saying that the animals were 700 pounds.

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