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Farmers, Friends of the CWB to Appeal Lawsuit Decision

By Amanda Brodhagen,

They aren’t giving up.

Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board (FCWB), a group of farmers who support the former CWB monopoly said they plan to appeal a class action ruling.

The group tried to sue the federal government and the CWB claiming that farmer property had been wrongfully taken by Ottawa and the CWB, but their case didn’t prevail. The judge ruled that changes to the CWB legislation did not deprive class action plaintiffs of property or assets; but the judge did say that the government may have cheated farmers of some pool payments during the 2011-12 year. Because of this possibility, a limited class action suit should be allowed, the judge added.

Stewart Wells, chairperson of the said the group filed an appeal as of Nov. 29, 2013. In a news release, Wells argued that the plaintiffs believe that judge Tremblay-Lamer made an erred judgment. “We believe Justice Tremblay-Lamer made errors of fact in her judgment and our supporters feel that it is imperative that we continue with our legal efforts to recover the $17 billion dollars of value and assets farmers put into the Wheat Board,” he said.

The FCWB is being represented by Anders Bruun.


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