Home   Ag Industry News to Attend Bayer CropScience Agronomy Summit is pleased to announce that its writer, Amanda Brodhagen, will be covering BayerCrop Science inaugural Agronomy Summit Nov. 26 to 28 in Banff, Alberta.

The summit will cover various topics with the theme – “The Science Behind… fungicides, herbicide resistance, canola, and plant health.”

Leading up to and during the summit, will be facilitating a discussion board, highlighting the topics which will be presented, live tweeting, providing daily recaps of speakers, as well as writing several pieces on the content presented.

We encourage you to participate in the discussion. Please tell us, if there’s a topic of interest to you and we’ll be sure to ask the experts. The following is a list of the speakers and topics that will be covered. Feel free to tweet our agri-news writer at @AmandaBrodhagen or email her directly at

Day 1


InVigor traits: where we are today and what are plans for the future
PRESENTER: TBD, Bayer CropScience, Canada.

Review of InVigor Demonstration Strip Trial results
PRESENTER: Kyle Gross, Leighton Blashko and Harold Brown,
Bayer CropScience

Day 2


Review of multi-year cereal fungicide
demonstration strip trials
PRESENTER: Troy Basaraba, Bayer CropScience,
Market Development Specialist, Brandon, Manitoba

What are the risks of fungicide resistance in Western Canada?
How do fungicides work in plants?
PRESENTER: Dr. Andreas Mehl, Senior Research Scientist,
Bayer CropScience, Germany

Management of cereal diseases utilizing an integrated
approach with genetics, cultural practices and chemistry
PRESENTER: Dr. Andy Tekauz, plant pathologist, formerly with
Agriculture FUNGICIDES
Review of multi-year cereal fungicide
demonstration strip trials
PRESENTER: Troy Basaraba, Bayer CropScience,
Market Development Specialist, Brandon, Manitoba

What are the risks of fungicide resistance in Western Canada?
How do fungicides work in plants?
PRESENTER: Dr. Andreas Mehl, Senior Research Scientist,
Bayer CropScience, Germany

Management of cereal diseases utilizing an integrated
approach with genetics, cultural practices and chemistry
PRESENTER: Dr. Andy Tekauz, plant pathologist, formerly with
Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Winnipeg Manitoba


Review of the latest science around plant health
PRESENTER: Dr. Wolfgang Thielert, Crop Ef_ ciency Researcher,
Bayer CropScience, Germany

Canadian and US _ eld trial results demonstrating
plant health effects
PRESENTERS: Kelly Patzer, Bayer CropScience,
Manager of Cereal Development. Calgary, Canada
Tim Gardner, Bayer CropScience,
Market Development Specialist, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Day 3


The US experience with herbicide resistance – how it has
changed production practices in the Southern US.
PRESENTER: Dr. Jason Norsworthy, Weed Science Professor,
University of Arkansas

Exploring resistance from the molecular level
PRESENTER: Dr. Stephen Lindell.
Lead herbicide Chemist,
Bayer CropScience, Germany
Herbicide resistance in Canada – where are we today?
PRESENTER: Dr. Neil Harker,
Research Scientist, Agriculture and
Agri-food Canada in Lacombe, Alberta


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