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FCC advice for those renting out farmland

FCC advice for those renting out farmland

How to protect yourself and your property value when renting out your farmland.

By Andrew Joseph,, Image via

Farmers have long been trusting souls, willing to provide the proverbial shirt off their back to help people. Unfortunately, a spoken word or a handshake is not the legal ideal when it comes to protecting oneself from people you do business with.

In a Farm Credit Canada (FCC) article prepared by author Richard Kamchen, we are provided with valuable advice on how to better protect yourself and your property value when renting out your farmland.

Not only can these steps provide peace of mind to you and help maintain your property value, but it can also help you realize stronger prices when you rent or sell.

Involving better record keeping, getting things down in writing, and how to dodge potential pitfalls, the article’s advice will show you how a bit of investment in time will reap satisfaction.  

To read the article in its entirety, click HERE.

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