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February 9 is Safer Internet Day

Day promotes safe and responsible online use

By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content

Being an internet company, understands the importance of the web and its role in providing farmers with the latest news and trends within the agriculture industry.

We also understand that the internet can be a dangerous environment, which is why supports Safer Internet Day (SID) to keep users informed and safe online.

SID connects people worldwide to teach youth and children about using online technology and their smartphones in a safe and responsible way.

The focus of the 2016 campaign is “Play your part for a better internet,” encouraging others to realize that everyone has a role to play in safe internet usage.

Hans Martens, Digital Citizenship Programme Manager at European Schoolnet and Coordinator of the Insafe Network said the theme “reflects how stakeholders from across the world can and should work together to build a trusted digital environment for all.”

SID began in 2004 as an initiative of the EU SafeBorders project, but has since spread and is celebrated in more than 100 countries.

The Canadian Centre for Child Protection paired with to come up with strategies for parents to practice when it comes to their children and internet usage.

The tips include:

  • Talk to your teen
  • Stay informed
  • Raise awareness
  • Report concerns

The United States is hosting a live webinar which will include student leaders sharing their experiences with safe internet usage.

Join the conversation and tell us some of the safe internet practices you discuss with your children.

Use the hashtags #saferinternet and #SID16 to follow the day’s events from around the globe.

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The Canadian Federation of Agriculture - Who We Are

Video: The Canadian Federation of Agriculture - Who We Are

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) was formed in 1935 as a unified voice to speak on behalf of Canadian farmers. Our work continues today as a farmer-funded, national umbrella organization comprising of provincial general farm organizations and national and interprovincial commodity groups. We represent producers of all commodities, who operate farms of all sizes. Through our members we represent approximately 190,000 Canadian farm families from coast to coast.