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Fifty-one cattle missing, two more left for dead

Manitoba farmer offering $10K reward for names of thieves

By Kaitlynn Anderson


Manitoba producer Kalvin Kreshewski is asking for help in finding the thieves who took off with approximately $65,000 to $85,000 worth of his cattle over the Canada Day weekend.

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In addition to the theft, the suspects also put two cows in a waterless corral, where the animals died of dehydration.

This time of year, cattle graze in pastures with access to water so farmers often go days without checking on their herds, according to Kreshewski.

"They left those cows to die," he told the Winnipeg Free Press yesterday.

"I’m a full-grown man, but I still cried. It made me sick to my stomach. To see something that had to suffer and die like that is just terrible. They weren’t supposed to be in there and nothing like this has ever happened before."

Calves have been left without mothers – and mothers without calves – because the thieves didn’t take the proper pairs. Now, the Manitoba farmer is left struggling to bottle feed the motherless calves that shouldn’t have been weaned for another four to six months.

Kreshewski is offering a $10,000 reward, as stated on his Facebook page, in hopes of identifying of the thieves.

If you have any information to share, contact either the Rossburn RCMP (204-859-2057) or Manitoba Crime Stoppers (anonymous) (1-800-222-8477).

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