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Finding a balance between work and life

Finding a balance between work and life

A dairy and cash crop farmer talks about how she manages to stay organized with farming and other interests

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

Achieving a balance between work and life is something many people are trying to achieve.

In fact, Google search results show that search queries for this topic has increased steadily since the end of 2021 and has remained a fairly consistent search term ever since.

But between farming, family and other factors, finding this balance may seem unattainable. recently connected with Katy Schultz, a cash crop and dairy farmer, business owner, and mother from Fox Lake, Wis., to discuss this topic.

Schultz believes the term “work life balance” may be a little misleading and sees it as juggling.

Watch the video below to hear her definition of work life balance, or juggling, and how she manages to stay organized.

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