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Food Forward Hopes Wynne Can Champion Ontario Food Policy

Toronto-Based Organization Wants Premier Wynne to Review the Local Food Act

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If you thought agriculture and food were only topics that rural and small-town Ontarians cared about, you thought wrong.

A Toronto-based non-profit organization dubbed ‘Food Forward’ that seeks to act as a united voice for good food and good food jobs, is calling on Premier Wynne to work towards developing a meaningful food policy.  The group hopes that with the right food policy that it would spur job creation while making way for a healthier Ontario. Wynne has taken on the role of Minister of Agriculture and Food in addition to being Premier.

“There is a growing need to have a minister dedicated to the defence of our food system, which is struggling to generate good income for farmers and workers growing local sustainable food, and provide access to food for all,” said Darcy Higgins, Executive Director of Food Forward.

In a press release, the organization says that despite the Premier’s error in having to re-do her oath as Minister of Agriculture and Food, after forgetting “Food” during the first swearing-in; the organization is pleased with her willingness to take on this portfolio.

“Food is our biggest job provider province-wide, and has the ability to generate more opportunities, especially for young people, immigrants and low income people” said Higgins.

Food Forward would like Wynne to keep her promise that she made during her campaign to not only reintroduce the Local Food Act, but review it again to look at ways to strengthen it with am enhanced jobs focus. During the campaign, Wynne sent a letter to Food Forward promising that a Local Food Act would be a priority if elected.

More information about Food Forward can be found on their website.

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