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Funding for Canadian Grown Project

Mar 22, 2021
By Denise Faguy
Assistant Editor, North American Content,

Canadian Protein Ingredients Ltd and Protein Industries Canada combine for a total of $27.3 million in funding


Lindsay, Ontario - Canadian Protein Ingredients Ltd in partnership with Protein Industries Canada is committing $27.3 million towards a project to use a proprietary process to produce ingredients from Canadian-grown, non-GMO soybeans.

The project will produce soybean ingredients and soybean oil that comply with organic and non-GMO labelling standards.

“This investment enables Canada Protein Ingredients to meet growing global demands with completely made-in-Canada products,” said Jim Millington, Chief Executive Officer of Canada Protein Ingredients. “There is currently no soybean protein isolate or concentrate manufacturing capacity in Canada, despite soybeans being a major crop for farmers. CPI is poised to commercialize Canadian science, further process Canadian soybeans and respond to a global market hungry for plant-based protein.”

Canada Protein Ingredients in Guelph, Ontario, will be responsible for processing 25,000 tons of crops annually in its new facility. The location for the new facility is expected chosen and construction is expected to begin within the next 18 months.

Ingrédients Protéiques du Canada Ltée (CPHPC), DJ Hendrick International, Agrocorp Processing, Semences Prograin and Synthesis Network are also all partnering in the project.

Semences Prograin will use their analysis lab in Quebec to develop and test new non-GMO soybean varieties created for Canada’s growing conditions. DJ Hendrick International, which focuses on international business opportunities for Canadian innovations, and Agrocorp Processing, a business of Singapore-based Agrocorp, will lend their expertise to assist in developing, testing, and marketing the new products for international markets. Guelph-based Synthesis Network is a consulting and communications firm specializing in agriculture and food.

"Helping Canada rise from being a commodity supplier to a world-renowned supplier of plant-based ingredients is part of Protein Industries Canada's mission," said Bill Greuel, chief executive officer of Protein Industries Canada. "This project is yet another step we take in that direction. Harnessing the potential of new crop varieties developed and grown in Canada generates more opportunities across our entire value chain, from farmers to food manufacturers."

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Four Great Reasons to Love Canola

Video: Four Great Reasons to Love Canola

Canola oil is healthy, versatile, takes the heat and is Canadian! Canola oil is grown for you by 43,000 farmers in Canada.

** Why should I buy and use Canola Oil? **

Canola oil is your local choice for oil. Grown right here in Canada! Canola oil is the best blend of fats for good health. Canola oil is low in saturated fat and contains zero trans fat and cholesterol. Canola oil is a source of omega-6 which is important for the brain and essential for the growth and development of infants. Canola oil is also high in omega-3 fat which helps to protect against heart attacks and strokes. Canola oil is high in monounsaturated fats, which reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

** When and where can I use canola oil? **

Basically, you can use canola oil to replace any type of oil in any recipe and here’s why… For the Health of it! With the lowest amount of saturated fat of any leading oil in your supermarket, it also contains a good amount of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acid it is an excellent choice for a healthy kitchen.

For the Heat of it! Boasting a high smoke point of 242C (468F) it is an excellent choice when doing high heat frying or deep frying. For the Taste of it!

Generally speaking, canola oil has a very mild or neutral flavour making it an excellent carrier for other ingredients in your dish. It allows for seasonings to shine and for key ingredients to be showcased. However, if you are looking for an oil to pack a punch you should try out a cold-pressed canola oil. Cold-pressed canola oil packs flavour and is excellent for bread dips, salad dressings or a quick drizzle to finish a dish for a great presentation.

*Yes, even to replace a solid fat!

Did you know you can make some of your favourite recipes even healthier by replacing solid fats with canola oil? Not only do you make the type of fat in the recipe healthier you also decrease the caloric content of the recipe because you will decrease the amount of fat needed. Basically, anytime a recipe calls for a solid fat to be melted you can replace it with canola oil.