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Getting the lay of the land with FieldView

Getting the lay of the land with FieldView

By Andrew Joseph,, Image courtesty of Bayer AG

Man… 2021 sure has been a rollercoaster of a ride within the ag industry.

We've seen drought, we've seen too much rain and flooding, we've seen high prices, we've seen low prices. It’s been a heck of a year.

But all is not lost.

Presenting at the 2021 virtual Precision Agriculture Conference & Ag Technology Showcase held November 16-18, Mat Vercaigne, Field Product Specialist for Canada Bayer CropScience and its product Climate FieldView, he said that they have a solution.

Using the Climate FieldView digital tool, farmers can better manage their way through the unexpected to provide usable data to help make the right decision and choose the practices that work best on the farm, simplifying decisions.

Climate FieldView is the product of Bayer’s digital farming arm, The Climate Corporation, that uses telematics to transfer GPS location, machine performance and yield data from connected combine harvesters, planters, sprayers, and tractors sending data to the spiffy tool so farmers can have easy access to data management to simplify their farming operations via their smartphone, tablet device or computer.

The data provided is field specific and site specific to better allow farmers to apply fertilizer, crop protection, planting and harvesting strategies thanks to information it gleans from previous yields and site-specific yield differences.

See the video below for Mat Vercaigne’s entire presentation:

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Bayer's NEW FieldView Drive 2.0

Video: Bayer's NEW FieldView Drive 2.0

Bayer has introduced a new digital farm management system dubbed FieldView Drive 2.0.

An interesting feature of the new system is that agronomists can remotely send prescriptions to farmers.

The company says the product can be summed up in three words: stability, compatibility, and prescriptions.

Watch to learn more about this new concept!