New program will take place at the University of Sasaktchewan
By Diego Flammini,
The University of Saskatchewan is set to receive an investment from the Canadian government that could have a long-lasting impact on the agricultural industries in Canada and abroad.
The $37.2 million federal investment is going towards the Designing Crops for Global Food Security initiative. It will draw on the strengths of Canada’s plant-breeding research, agricultural institutions and ag-businesses including PotashCorp.
As a result of the new investment, farmers could see new plant varieties being developed at a rapid rate. The varieties would be resistant to pests, disease, heat and drought.

"Our government is committed to moving ideas from the lab to the marketplace more quickly, strengthening Canada's economy while creating jobs for Canadians,” said Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. “Today's investment will build on the University of Saskatchewan's world-class genomics research to make it world-leading, creating jobs and opportunities for businesses and farmers in Canada's agriculture sector.”
Canada is already a globally-recognized country when it comes to agriculture, bioresources and protecting crops in a sustainable manner. The project is aiming to design plants that are able to withstand different weather and growing seasons to improve food security around the world.
"This exciting new research program will build on our renowned strengths in crop development, powerful informatics and unique-in-Canada synchrotron imaging to transform plant breeding,” said Gordon Barnhart, Interim President, University of Saskatchewan. “Working with our many international partners, we will address food security challenges around the world, bolstering Canada as a world-leading agricultural hub.”
Join the conversation and tell us your thoughts about the Canadian government investing into new plant-breeding projects to help Canada’s agricultural reputation grow. What are some areas of resistance you’d like to see improved in crops?