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Grains council boosts US-Mexico trade relations

Strengthening agricultural ties for mutual benefit



U.S. Grains Council Chair Brent Boydston and Past Chair Josh Miller embarked on a crucial journey south of the border to engage with key stakeholders in the U.S.-Mexico corn trade market.

Amidst recent political hurdles and logistic challenges affecting grain imports, the delegation aimed to bolster positive communications and relationships, crucial for sustaining one of U.S. agriculture’s vital trade partnerships.

Boydston emphasized the necessity of collaboration with the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service in Mexico to navigate obstacles and ensure seamless grain shipments.

Maintaining trust and confidence among U.S. producers and Mexican importers and end-users remains paramount, underscoring the Council's commitment to facilitating smooth trade operations.

In addition to discussions with Mexican stakeholders, the delegation also met with representatives from a prominent global food production company operating in over 100 countries.

These discussions focused on aligning U.S. agricultural offerings with the company's demand, aiming to position U.S. ag products as the preferred choice for Mexican importers.

The visit underscores the importance of sustained dialogue and cooperation in overcoming trade challenges and capitalizing on opportunities for mutual benefit.

By fostering strong relationships and addressing logistical concerns, the U.S. Grains Council endeavors to uphold the position of U.S. agriculture as a reliable and premier option for Mexican partners.

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