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Hyperspectral imaging in precision ag

Hyperspectral imaging in precision ag

Experts discuss hyperspectral imaging from UAVs and its applications in precision agriculture

By Ryan Ridley

Attendees of the 2020 Virtual Precision Agriculture Conference & Ag Technology Showcase were taken across the pond (virtually) to learn about hyperspectral imaging from the experts at the Center for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Europe (CHRSE).

The CHRSE was created in 2019 by Headwall and geo-konzept to support the implementation and advancement of hyperspectral imaging technology.

In layman’s terms, hyperspectral imaging is the combination of imaging and spectroscopy.

“Regular imaging – like with your camera phone – is like taking three pictures: a red picture, a green, and a blue. Those three pictures are put together to form a regular color image,” explains Dr. William Rock, Senior Application Engineer at Headwall. “Well, hyperspectral imaging is like taking hundreds of pictures at slightly different colors and then using all that information to get better contrast.”

Rock notes that hyperspectral data can be used for a wide range of detection applications.

“Hyperspectral imaging is a fascinating technology that precisely measures the spectral content of light in every single pixel of the image,” adds Christian Felsheim, Director of Headwall Europe and Business Development Manager at Headwall. “Analyzing this spectral pattern allows you to remotely identify and analyze the objects that the light is reflected from.”

Felsheim says that the industry has seen great advancements in sensor technology, drones, and flight software in recent years, quickly making hyperspectral imaging more accessible.

“Hyperspectral remote sensing is no longer a technology only for specific specialists, but has become accessible for many applied applications,” adds Felsheim. “We are now offering complete drone-based remote hyperspectral sensing systems that no longer require trained scientists to benefit from the power of the technology.”

To learn more about hyperspectral imaging and its application in agriculture, watch the below video with Christian Felsheim, Dr. William Rock, and Christoph Schimmer, International Sales Manager Remote Sensing Systems at geo-konzept.

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