Soybean and corn organizations provide scorecard for presidential hopefuls
By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content
The Indiana Corn Growers Association (ICGA) and Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA) released a scorecard of where the remaining presidential hopefuls stand on issues important to the two organizations.
The organizations looked at different issues including the farm bill, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and voluntary GMO legislation and encourage farmers to make informed decisions when it comes to selecting the next American leader.

The release of the scorecard is timely as Indiana’s primary election day is Tuesday, May 3.
“It’s incredibly important for farmers to support a candidate who shares our beliefs on major ag issues,” said Mike Nichols, a farmer from Spencer County and president of the Indiana Corn Growers Association in a release. “We hope farmers do their homework on where all candidates stand on the ag issues important to them.”
Neither the ICGA or ISA have endorsed a candidate, but members are asking farmers to connect with the candidates and make them think about agriculture.
“If the candidates come to your area, engage them about agriculture,” said Jeanette Merritt, chair of the ISA’s Membership and Policy Committee in a release. “Ask a question at a town hall. It’s our job to keep agriculture on these candidates’ minds.”
After looking at the scorecard, are you surprised by the results?