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Insight into 2023 farm bill support payments

Nov 11, 2024

Analyzing the distribution of ARC-CO and PLC payments in 2023

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's 2023 ARC-CO and PLC programs are essential components of the farm bill, designed to stabilize farm incomes during periods of economic downturns or crop failures. These programs are vital for farmers facing market instabilities.

The PLC program specifically supports farmers when commodity prices fall below the established reference prices. In 2023, rapeseed was the only crop that met the criteria for PLC payments, highlighting the narrow scope of crops that experienced significant price drops.

Conversely, the ARC-CO program compensates for revenue shortfalls on a county basis, with payments triggered when actual earnings are less than 86% of the benchmark revenue. This program’s broader reach supported various crops including corn, wheat, and soybeans, which demonstrated the diverse agricultural challenges faced across the country.

This year’s analysis of ARC-CO and PLC payments illustrates the critical support these programs provide to the agricultural community, reflecting the government's role in aiding farmers through challenging economic times.

Farmers rely on these programs for income stability, which in turn helps maintain the food supply chain's resilience. As these programs continue, they will be pivotal in supporting the agricultural sector's sustainability and economic viability.

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