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Iowa farmers give peace a chance

Iowa farmers give peace a chance

Iowa farmers show symbolic support for the people of Ukraine.

By Andrew Joseph,

Farmers in Hubbard, Iowa gathered to arrange their tractors into the peace symbol as a way to show solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

Nineteen farmers from the area brought their tractors out to make the symbol—only truly visible from the air (see image above), as nearly 100 people gathered at a local school to host a candlelight vigil, offer prayers, and a moment of silence for those affected by the Russian Federation invasion of Ukraine.

Donations were also gathered with plans to send the money to a church in Hungary where numerous Ukrainian refugees were forced to flee.

The Russian Federation invaded the Ukraine on February 26, 2022. With the war ongoing, Ukrainian farmers will be hard-pressed to plant crops this year, as towns and cities have fallen under the onslaught.

It is estimated that over 3.9 million refugees have left Ukraine as of March 27, 2022, with about 6.5 million people displaced within the country as of March 18, 2022.

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