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Iowa Republican Senator Named 2012 ‘Friend of Agriculture’

Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Endorses Candidates

By Amanda Brodhagen,

The Friends of Agriculture designation has been announced by the Iowa Farm Bureau Political Action Committee. The designation is part of a larger grassroots effort to evaluate political candidate’s positions on agriculture and examining their past voting records. The selection begins in July, when Iowa county committees evaluate candidates and one of the legislators on this year’s list is Sen. Merlin Bartz.

“Our organization takes these designations very seriously, and carefully considers each race,” said Rod Collins, IFBF PAC Committee Chair.  “It’s very important that our designations are guided by statewide grassroots input and how each candidate’s voting record and positions line up with Farm Bureau policy.  As we move forward, it will be important for all of us to work to get the Friends of Agriculture elected,” he said.  “We need to stand behind candidates who are aligned with our policy.”

The designation acts as a formal endorsement by the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation. The farm organization wants to encourage their members to consider the designation winners when voting on November 6.

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Edison Maghales shared his research results from testing truck wash methods, PEDV viral load, and the transfer rate of the virus to the farm. Pete Thomas presented data from Iowa Select’s recent change in market haul sanitation. Since washing and disinfecting all market trailers, they’ve seen a significant decrease in PEDV break rates, mortality, and production efficiency.