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Irish farmer donates last dairy cow

Irish farmer donates last dairy cow

Tim Moynihan visited Rwanda to see the effects of his generosity

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

An Irish dairy farmer visited an African family to see how his generosity has helped them thrive.

Tim Moynihan, from East Kerry, Ireland, made the decision to leave the dairy industry about six years ago. Instead of selling his last cow at the time, he donated it to a family in Rwanda through Bóthar, an Irish charity that helps families overcome hunger.

Moynihan recently traveled to Rwanda with his daughter Doreen to see how the cow has helped the recipient family.

They have sold the cow’s milk and calves born. They’ve used the proceeds to help educate their children and buy land.

“I’ve heard (the cow) has been very successful with the farmer,” Moynihan told the Irish Examiner yesterday. “She’s a champion cow. ... That cow is the best milker in that part of Rwanda.”

Moynihan felt a connection with the cow despite not seeing her since the donation.

“I never dreamt in my life I’d ever again see that cow,” he told the Irish Independent. “I think she recognized me. We took a photograph of that cow before she left the farm and I have that photograph at home.”

Since her arrival, the cow has given birth to a female calf.

“The calf is the spirit of her mother,” Moynihan said. “(A) star on the forehead and the stripe on the shoulder.”

Irish Examiner photo

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