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John Deere Air Seeding Precision Ag Upgrades

John Deere Air Seeding Precision Ag Upgrades
Nov 18, 2024
By Ryan Ridley
Assistant Editor, North American Content,

Enhanced Seeding Accuracy with New Metering Technology

If you have a John Deere air seeder, you may be eligible to upgrade with some precision agriculture components.

Specifically those with model year 2017 and newer C650 and C850 air carts have the ability to upgrade existing equipment with John Deere’s latest metering technology. discussed these upgrades with John Deere’s marketing manager for precision upgrades, Kyle Barry.

The latest offering includes AccuRate, advanced stainless-steel meters that provide unmatched accuracy in seeding operations, says Barry.

This upgrade equips air carts with eight electronic, individually controlled meters, enhancing seeding curve compensation and overall precision.

The inclusion of the SectionCommand Pro and the option to add EZCal further augment this system’s capabilities, allowing for more precise placement of seeds according to high fidelity prescriptions.

This ensures that seeds are exactly where they should be, optimizing growth conditions and yield.

Such technological enhancements are not just about improving accuracy; they transform existing equipment with some of the latest technology, which in turn extends the useful life of the machinery and increases return on investment.

Watch the below video as Kyle Barry discusses these upgrades.

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