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Looking to hire? Let OFA help

Looking to hire? Let OFA help

Take advantage of OFA's hiring and training services through the Feeding Your Future Project.   

By Andrew Joseph,, Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) is offering hiring and training services through its Feeding Your Future Project for those looking to hire workers for your farm or farm business for the upcoming 2022 growing season.

The Feeding Your Future Project promotes agri-food jobs and training opportunities across the province of Ontario. Founded in 1936, the OFA is a farmer-led organization for Ontario's farming community.

As part of the program’s mandate, OFA has partnered with and to help agri-food businesses set up an account online, post job openings, and manage applications, while also setting up virtual career fairs across the province.

Job Matching Service

  • Post job ads for FREE on and websites until March 31, 2022
  • Work with staff to create a job description and manage job applications
  • More information:

Build Your Team: Find Them. Develop them. Keep them. - Webinar

  • When: March 24, 2022, from 10-11AM
  • This FREE webinar will include guest speaker Joe Dales who will be speaking about securing and retaining workers with a Q&A session to follow
  • Registration:

Ontario Wide Virtual Career Fair

  • When: March 29, 2022, from 11AM – 3PM
  • This FREE event is open to all farm or agricultural employers in Ontario
  • Virtual booths are in place for the opportunity for employers and job seekers to chat directly
  • Registration:

Ag Worker Training Program

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