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Manitoba AgriInsurance seeding deadlines for soybeans extended

Manitoba AgriInsurance seeding deadlines for soybeans extended

Some areas will have deadlines extended into June

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

Producers in Manitoba have more time to seed soybeans and still be able to receive full crop insurance coverage.

Manitoba Agriculture and the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) announced coverage extensions for multiple areas:

  • The deadline for Soybean Area 1 is June 8 instead of June 6.
  • The deadline for Soybean Areas 2 and 3 is June 4 instead of May 30.

The seeding deadline for Soybean Area 4 remains May 30.

Most other major crops have a seeding deadline around June 20.

MASC’s Soybean Insurance Areas map can be viewed here.

These are permanent changes and will reflect the AgriInsurance program in Manitoba going forward.

“These changes were made in consultation with the Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers Association after a review of available data and agronomic considerations such as growing season length and the use of varieties that are more adapted to Manitoba conditions since the seeding deadlines were last considered,” a May 20 Manitoba Agriculture release says.

Manitoba farmers are behind when it comes to seeding

Manitoba Agriculture’s May 24 crop report indicates about 10 per cent of seeding is complete across the province.

This is compared to 76 per cent in 2021 and a five-year average of 77 per cent.

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