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Matthew Myers’ journey from AFA fellow to AFBF star

A college event catalyzes a future in agricultural policy for an OSU student


Matthew Myers' engagement with the Agriculture Future of America (AFA) during his final year at Oklahoma State University marked the beginning of an influential career in agriculture. His attendance at the AFA Leaders Conference, a cornerstone event for professional development in agriculture, proved to be a game-changer. 

This conference, which annually gathers hundreds of students across the U.S., focuses on professional growth and networking within the agriculture sector. It was here that Myers first interacted with staff from the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), learning about potential career paths and opportunities in agricultural policy.

This brief interaction at the Opportunity Fair of the conference led Myers to pursue a position at AFBF, where he now works as a public policy analyst. 

In this role, Myers contributes to shaping policies that support the agricultural community, drawing on his previous internship experiences and the network he built at the conference.

AFBF’s active participation in the Leaders Conference highlights its commitment to engaging with young professionals and guiding them towards careers that support agricultural advancement.

This strategy not only enriches the sector with skilled individuals like Myers but also ensures the continuation of informed advocacy and leadership within the agricultural community.

Myers' story is a powerful example of how targeted programs and events can significantly impact individual careers and the broader agricultural industry. His progression from a college student to a professional in D.C. underscores the value of educational and networking events in cultivating the next generation of leaders in agriculture. 


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