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Ministers of Agriculture Reach Agreement on Growing Forward 2

Innovation, Competitiveness and Market Development Target Priorities in Growing Forward 2

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The Ministers of Agriculture from the federal, provincial and territorial governments have reached a five year agreement for the Growing Forward 2 policy framework. One of the key highlights is a 50% increase in cost-sharing initiatives for non-Business Risk Management (BRM) that seeks to spur innovation and marketing development. There will also be the creation of an effective suite of BRM programs that will be able to protect farmers against severe market volatility and disasters. Provinces will also be given some more flexibility to tailor the various government programs to meet their unique needs. There has been some headway that will allow provinces and territories to be equipped with resources necessary to be able to invest in environmental on-farm projects. There will also be the continuation of ongoing support for risk management programs.

“Just as farmers continuously improve their business practices, so too have governments made adjustments to help Canada remain a world leader in agricultural innovation and trade,” said Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. "Growing Forward 2 will help drive economic growth and long-term prosperity through agricultural innovation and market development, while also ensuring governments continue to share the risk of severe market volatility and disasters."

The policy framework will focus on trade with several key export markets, including South Korea, Japan, China and Europe. Gaining market access, reducing interprovincial trade barriers and working towards reducing the regulatory burden will be the focus over the next five years. The new agreement will phase in April 1, 2013 when the current framework expires.

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NEW PLANTER UPGRADE KIT Offerings for 2026 — John Deere ExactEmerge & MaxEmerge 5e

Video: NEW PLANTER UPGRADE KIT Offerings for 2026 — John Deere ExactEmerge & MaxEmerge 5e

John Deere has announced new offerings for its planter upgrade kits in 2026.

MaxEmerge 5e is ideal for 5 mph planting and provides a 20% improvement in population accuracy. This solution is available for model year 2015 and newer John Deere planters.

ExactEmerge is a high-speed planting solution equipped with brush belt technology that does a great job singulating corn, soybeans and cotton and directly placing that seed right in the trench.

Kyle Barry with John Deere gives you a full overview in this video!