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New app helps farmers scout fields instantly

New app helps farmers scout fields instantly

xarvio’s database includes 150,000 weed and disease images

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

A new mobile app lets farmers instantly identify any weeds and diseases present in their fields.

The Digital Farming Company introduced xarvio to Canadian producers today at Ag in Motion. The app features advanced machine learning, artificial intelligence and data sharing.

By simply taking a photo of a weed or a diseased plant, farmers can use the app to quickly find out what they are dealing with, said Warren Bills, business development manager for xarvio.

“It’s a new type of scouting app that we haven’t seen before on the market,” he told today. “It uses photo recognition and machine learning software to give farmers information based on the information they’ve provided through the photo.”

One of the app’s highlights is its community-based approach.

More than 58,000 users in 90 countries use xarvio since it launched in Europe in November.

Those farmers have helped build a photo database which included 150,000 images of weeds and diseases, which growers across the world can access.

“The more pictures that are taken, the better the app works,” Bills said. “So, if a farmer takes a picture of a weed in France and we have that weed here, the app can identify it and help farmers make the proper management decisions.”

Xarvio can also notify producers of potential disease or weed hotspots in their areas.

Each anonymous photo is geographically traced, which allows the app to track the types of images coming from a specific location.

“If 1,000 people in an area are taking a photo of the same disease, the app will alert a farmer of a potential disease threat,” Bills said.

The app’s other functions include counting insects in yellow traps, analyzing leaf damage and estimating nitrogen status.

Xarvio is available for download for Apple and Android devices.

For more ag-related apps, visit the apps page.

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