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New Bayer products for Canadian potato growers

New Bayer products for Canadian potato growers

Velum Rise and Emesto Complete will be available for the 2024 season

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

Canadian potato producers will have two new Bayer products available to them for the 2024 growing season.

One product is Emesto Complete.

This seed piece treatment co-pack builds on the protection farmers are used to receiving from Emesto Silver.

“Emesto Complete adds more options and farmers have the convenience to have an all-in-one solution if they want to do fungicide and insecticide,” Meghann Garlough, campaign marketing manager for fruits and vegetables at Bayer, told

Emesto Complete adds a new and improved Group 4 insecticide clothianidin formulation to help protect against pests like aphids, Colorado potato beetles, leafhoppers and potato flea beetle.

The fungicides, Group 3 prothioconazole and Group 7 penflufen, provide support against diseases like fusarium tuber rot and seed-borne rhizoctonia like black scurf, stem and stolon canker, and silver scurf.

Farmers provided positive feedback about Emest Complete, Garlough said.

“We had quite a few demos and we heard that it handles quite well,” she said.

The co-packs come with two jugs of Emesto Quantum, one jug of Emesto PRO and one bottle of red colourant.

Each case treats 425 cwt of seed.

Bayer’s other new product for Canadian potato growers is Velum Rise.

This product combines two Group 7 fungicides, penflufen and fluopyram, Garlough said.

“Bringing in penflufen brings additional disease protection to Velum Prime,” she said.  “Being able to apply penflufen in-furrow adds control of soil-born rhizoctonia, which are usually controlled by Group 11s."

Trials across Canada showed Velum Rise provided on par or better protection than current standards, she added.

Velum Rise will be available in 8.1 L jugs for the 2024 growing season.

At a rate of 404 mL/ac, one jug will treat 20 acres.

Any potato growers interested in these products are encouraged to contact their Bayer rep.

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