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New Brunswick launches website for farmers

New Brunswick launches website for farmers

AgriStartNB connects producers with information and resources

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

New and established growers in New Brunswick can use a new online tool to find helpful resources for further farm development.

The provincial government launched AgriStartNB to act as a one-stop shop for information about farming in New Brunswick. The site includes tips on how to develop a business plan, crop production considerations and a directory of industry contacts.

“This initiative will help provide New Brunswick’s young farmers and new entrants with the information they need to lead the future growth of the sector and will help create good well-paying jobs,” Ginette Petitpas Taylor, federal minister of health, said on behalf of Lawrence MacAulay, federal minister of agriculture, during the June 7 website launch.

Provincial ag organizations are pleased to have a resource that provides interested farmers with a solid foundation to work with.

“The website helps to answer a lot of broad questions and can be a good starting point,” Christian Michaud, president of the Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick, told today. “A visit to the website could spark the idea of starting a farm business.”

The website also includes a farm land inventory.

The database will be filled with land listings, whether the land is available for rent or lease, soil properties and contact information.

That section may be the most important om attracting producers to the province, Michaud said.

“Land price is one of the biggest advantages we have compared to other parts of Canada,” he told today. “For new farmers, land is very affordable here. And farmers looking to expand their operations can find available land.”

The average price of New Brunswick farmland was between $800 and $5,500 per acre in 2017, a Farm Credit Canada report says.

For comparison, farmland other regions of Canada can start at $5,000 per acre.

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