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New frame-mounted row cleaner technology helps maximize yields

New frame-mounted row cleaner technology helps maximize yields

Precision Planting’s Reveal™ improves row unit ride and downforce consistency

By Ryan Ridley

It’s a well-known fact that crop emergence consistency is essential for maximizing yields, but how can farmers ensure that seeds make it through residue and into an ideal seeding environment?

Leading provider of precision agriculture technologies, Precision Planting, has developed a new frame-mounted row cleaner called Reveal™ that improves row cleaning and emergence.

This new technology earned the name Reveal™ as the frame-mounted row cleaner reveals clean soil for seed placement.

“Row-unit-mounted row cleaners can hurt row unit ride and affect down force requirements,” explains Bryce Baker, Precision Planting marketing manager. “Reveal™ is frame mounted, removing its impact on the row unit.”

The company boasts three ways that Reveal™ can improve row cleaning and emergence.

The frame-mounted row cleaner eliminates the negative effects that unit-mounted row cleaners have on row unit ride and downforce, as described by Baker.

“The big difference with Reveal is that it’s mounted on the actual planter bar, so it's completely separate from the row unit,” says Carl Dodge, a farmer in Iowa who experimented with Precision Planting’s Reveal™ this growing season. 

Reveal™ also has tine depth adjustment on the unit with independently adjustable pressure from the cab. Baker points out that traditional row cleaners have limited tine engagement, so if the residue is too thick, they often cannot clear the full depth.

“Reveal has independent pressure adjustment and cleaning tine depth adjustment, so you can set the pressure you need to keep the internal gauge wheel on the ground,” says Baker. “This helps eliminate bounce of the row cleaner and allows you to then use a T-handle to set exactly how deep the cleaning tines should operate in a particular field, and ensure excellent row cleaning.”

Another crucial component of Reveal™ is its internal gauge wheel that gauges tine depth from the cleaned surface, removing residue as the depth varies.

“With its own internal gauge wheel, Reveal™ precisely controls the depth of the cleaning tines to create a consistently clean and ideal seeding environment for even emergence to occur,” adds Baker.

Dodge was surprised with the results from his Reveal™ trail this season.

“Every metric that we are tracking that makes a difference - singulation, spacing, good ride quality - the number one row unit, every single time, was one of the two rows that we had the Reveal™ row cleaners on.”

The product was first revealed at the 2021 Precision Planting Winter Conference and is now available through the company’s Premier Dealer network.

This article is featured in the September edition of the Precision Agriculture Digital Digest – check it out here.

Precision Planting product manager, Jason Stoller, provides an overview of Reveal in the below video (start at 11:18).


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