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New Holland Agriculture Brand President speaks at Expo Milano 2015

Expo Milano will wrap up on October 31st, 2015

By Diego Flammini,

New Holland Agriculture Brand President, Carlo Lambro, addressed the crowd at the International Agricultural Form, being held at Expo Milano 2015.

New Holland logo

His address touched on the event’s theme, Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life, and how New Holland will contribute to putting the theme into practice.

“By providing innovative products, technologies and solutions for the agriculture, transport and construction sectors that abide by environmentally responsible operating practices, CNH Industrial is doing its part to address global issues such as nutrition, food security and climate change,” said Lambro.

Speaking solely about agriculture, Lambro said New Holland is committed to researching more efficient use of inputs through Precision Land Management (PLM), conservation agriculture, and less use of machinery on soil to prevent water loss and erosion.

“This not only leads to higher yields, but it also prevents potentially harmful and wasteful surpluses from damaging the environment. Soil is a farm’s lifeblood. That’s where the present and future viability of a farm lies, so protecting it – maintaining the nutrients it contains – is vital to every farmer’s future,” said Lambro.

Lambro discussed transportation from farm to table and New Holland’s commitment to improving air quality and by association, food quality.

“Before food gets to our tables for consumption, products must be transported there. Sustainability in the transport sector means decreasing: dependence on oil, polluting emissions and greenhouse gases that are derived from traditional fuels and supporting the diffusion of alternative fuels that are already available today,” he said.

Tell us your thoughts on Carlo Lambro and New Holland’s commitment to trying to increase yields while keeping emissions down.

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