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New model optimizes corn growth in Agrivoltaics farms

New model optimizes corn growth in Agrivoltaics farms
Aug 21, 2024
By Jean-Paul McDonald
Assistant Editor, North American Content,

Researchers develop a novel model to improve corn yield and power production 

Researchers from Purdue University have developed a new model designed to enhance corn growth in agrivoltaic farms, where solar panels and crops share the same land.  

This innovative approach combines agricultural production systems with solar energy, offering a sustainable solution that could benefit both food production and renewable energy. 

The research team introduced a novel spatiotemporal shadow distribution (SSD) model, which aims to optimize crop yield and solar power generation.  

The SSD model considers the shadows cast by photovoltaic (PV) panels, allowing farmers to assess and adjust farming practices for better outcomes. This model was validated using data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and calibrated against field measurements taken at an agrivoltaic farm in West Lafayette, Indiana. 

The field experiment at Purdue University featured two types of PV panel arrangements: 300 W modules placed side by side and 100 W modules in an alternate checkerboard pattern. These panels were installed on single-axis trackers at a height of 6.1 meters and were tested from April to October 2020. 

The researchers observed that corn yields from the area without PV panels were slightly higher at 10,955 kg/ha compared to 10,182 kg/ha in the PV area. The SSD model closely aligned with these results, predicting 10,856 kg/ha for the no-PV area and 10,102 kg/ha for the agrivoltaic area. 

Further analysis revealed that factors such as tracker height, distance between PV arrays, and panel angle could influence corn yield.  

For instance, lowering the tracker height to 2.44 meters did not significantly impact the overall yield but increased variability between rows. The team also discovered that anti-tracking (AT) around solar noon could boost corn yield by 5.6%, though this would reduce solar power output. 

This new model and its findings are detailed in the paper "Optimizing corn agrivoltaic farming through farm-scale experimentation and modeling," published in Cell Reports Sustainability. The research also involved collaboration with academics from Denmark's Aarhus University. 

This development marks a significant step forward in combining agriculture and renewable energy, offering a promising solution to meet the growing global demands for food and clean energy. 

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