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New Senate appointee looks forward to offering a rural perspective

New Senate appointee looks forward to offering a rural perspective

The Wellington County resident will draw on his experience with the Rural Ontario Institute and 4-H 


By Kaitlynn Anderson
Staff Reporter


Ontario’s rural communities now have a greater chance of being heard in the Senate chambers.

On Thursday, Justin Trudeau appointed Robert Black, a resident of Wellington County, to represent the province on the Senate, according to a government release.

Rob Black (ROI photo)

“It was quite a surprise to receive a phone call last Monday afternoon from the Prime Minister,” Black told on Sunday. “I am proud to be among the people selected for a Senate appointment through the open application process, led by the Independent Advisory Board for Senate Appointments.”

Throughout his career, Black has provided a strong voice for ruralites through many organizations.

Now, he looks forward to bringing this rural perspective to the Senate, he said.

During the phone call, the Prime Minister made reference to Black’s rural roots and involvement in 4-H both provincially and nationally.

“He … indicated that my skills sets would be valuable within the Senate Chamber,” Black said.

Black, who has served as the chief executive officer of the Rural Ontario Institute since its establishment in 2010, will use these unique skills to examine legislation within the chambers.

“The Prime Minister was clear that he expects me to make a significant contribution to the work of the Senate, and to help tackle the broad range of challenges and opportunities facing the country,” he said.

“The Prime Minister also underlined the fact that I will be able to contribute to the work of the Senate in an independent and non-partisan fashion, as well as ensure integrity and collaboration in service to Parliament and to all Canadians.”

Black is eager to represent the province and country in this capacity.

“I look forward to settling into my new position over the next few weeks and reviewing the bills that are under consideration by the Senate,” he said.

Canada’s rural and agricultural communities have “so much to offer and it will be important to ensure that both are kept in mind as Parliament considers the many issues before it and going forward.”

The province’s agricultural community has shared a positive response to Black’s appointment.

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