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New Syngenta products on the horizon

New Syngenta products on the horizon

Crop Masters event showcases Syngenta’s new seed treatments, herbicides and fungicides

By Andrea Gal
Managing Editor, Integrated Media

Syngenta is launching new products for the 2019 growing season and beyond to help cash crop producers battle common agronomic issues.

Combating below-ground pests

First up is an addition to Syngenta’s seed treatment lineup for soybeans. As the provincial regulations for the use of neonics (Class 12 pesticides) continue to tighten, farmers are looking for new options to protect their seed from below-ground pests.

Syngenta expects to receive registration for its Fortenza Vibrance Maxx seed treatment on soybeans in the coming months, company representatives announced at its Crop Masters event in Plattsville, Ont. on Wednesday.

For the 2019 season, the label will recognize protection against four pests: European chafer/white grubs, June beetle, wireworms and seedcorn maggot.

Seedcorn maggot, in particular, is of growing concern to soybean producers. The pest is damaging more crops with the decline in the use of neonics. Ironically, the industry’s growing emphasis on improving soil health is also contributing to the prevalence of seedcorn maggot, as adult flies are attracted to decaying cover crops.

Fortenza is “an awesome active ingredient" against this pest, Marijke Van Andel, an agronomic sales rep with Syngenta said.

Syngenta researchers are continuing their work with this seed treatment and hope to add bean leaf beetle to the label soon. So far, the results seem promising – the protection offered by Fortenza looks comparable to that from CruiserMaxx Vibrance, said Chris Denys, agronomic service manager with Syngenta.

Producers are already familiar with the use of the Fortenza seed treatment on canola and corn.

Tackling herbicide resistance

The ag industry also continues its battle against herbicide resistance.

To help growers of RoundUp Ready 2 Xtend soybeans add another tool to their toolboxes, Syngenta will launch Tavium for the 2019 growing season. This herbicide includes dicamba and s-metolachlor (Dual), which will kill emerged broadleaf weeds and provide residual control of annual grasses and broadleaves.

The new product has a built-in stewardship, as the combination of different groups of herbicides helps to preserve their efficacy.

Tavium can be applied pre-emerge.

Protecting crop quality

Looking further down the line, Syngenta also shared some preliminary info about ADEPIDYN, a new fungicide, which the company hopes to launch in Canada in 2021. The product has a new class of chemistry for the suppression of fusarium head blight.

When applied to corn, this product controls fusarium ear rot, rust, and northern corn leaf blight, helping producers grow better feed for their livestock and bring more clean grain to the elevator.

ADEPIDYN can be applied beginning at the pre-tassel stage through silking. This broad application window is particularly handy for those growers who do not have lift kits in their sprayers, said Joanna Wallace, an agronomic sales rep with Syngenta.

The product will also be registered for wheat, and will control both rust and fusarium head blight. As with corn, the wider application window for ADEPIDYN on wheat will provide more flexibility for growers.  

Syngenta is conducting field trials on ADEPIDYN this year and next.

Andrea Gal photo

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