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NFU Reacts to Forage Genetics International’s Decision Not to Sell GM Alfalfa this Spring

By Amanda Brodhagen,

The National Farmers Union (NFU) says it is “pleased” with Forage Genetics International (FGI) decision not to offer herbicide-tolerant genetically modified (GM) alfalfa this spring.

This is the latest development in the GM alfalfa debate.

Proponents of GM alfalfa argue that the introduction of herbicide-resistant GM alfalfa would make impossible to contain, especially because alfalfa is pollinated by bees, making it difficult for organic farmers to coexist alongside conventional growers.

In 2013, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) approved the sale of several varieties of GM alfalfa, making way for companies like FGI to legally market GM Roundup Ready alfalfa in Canada.

Interestingly, GM alfalfa has been approved for commercial use in the United States for the past two years.

NFU argues that FGI’s decision not to sell GM alfalfa this spring is a sign that it recognizes the concerns that some farmers have expressed on the issue.

While the farm group welcomes FGI’s decision not to market GM alfalfa this spring, it is disappointed that the federal government approved GM alfalfa in the first place, adding that there was no formal public consultation.

NFU says it will continue to lobby industry and the federal government to prevent the release of GM alfalfa in the future.  

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